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Softening units
Aqua IOsoft cabinet softener


Function of Aqua IOsoft water softeners

The hard, calcareous water flows through the ion-exchange resin in the softening cartridge. In doing so, the limescale dissolved into the water in the ion exchange process is absorbed by the softener resin. The 0°fH water is then set to the desired hardness level by mixing it with non-softened water in the blending unit.

As soon as the uptake capacity of the ion exchange resins has been exhausted, the resin is automatically regenerated using a sodium chloride solution via the volume-control system. After the regeneration phase, the softening unit can be used again. The sizes of the Aqua IOsoft are designed and offered depending on water hardness, consumption and intended use.


Product description

Limescale protection and softening for your private household based on the new design of the compact ion exchange softener.



PDF PDF DE-PF Cabinet Enthaerter Typ AIOsoft V2 276 kB