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Spring water catchment chambers –
The heart of the system


The water catchment point must be built with the utmost of care since it is essentially the heart of the supply system.


The first step is assessing the source in order to evaluate whether it is worth capturing. If the results are positive, the spring will be excavated, initially using a digger if appropriate or manually if necessary.


Excavation works begin at the point where the water leaves the ground and are always carried out against the flow of water. The catchment area must be kept as short as possible to preserve the water quality. A clay trough is formed underneath the spring which prevents the valuable water from trickling away.


Finally, a filter pipe with holes for capturing the spring water is installed in order to direct it into the reservoir shaft. A dam wall is constructed at the point where the filter pipe transitions into the normal pipe. Filter pipe and reservoir shaft are covered with a layer of filter gravel.


Sealing is then carried out with the help of a waterproofing membrane. This ensures that penetrating surface water, which could contain bacteria, flows away.




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